Hello! Today I will be telling you 5 facts about every adoptable monster in Moshi Monsters!
Katsuma Facts:
1. They are the most adopted monster in Moshi Monsters.
2. The name Katsuma is a cross between cat and satsuma.
3. The language Katsumas speak is called "Katsumanese".
4. They enjoy dancing.
5. Katsumas used to be the only monsters that would gain weight, however this was removed.

Poppet Facts:
1. Poppets are less than 2 inches tall!
2. The name Poppet comes from the term "poppet" used to describe a persons loved ones.
3. Poppets favorite food are Mice Krispies.
4. Poppet has a song called "I Heart Moshlings".
5. They can be tail-less and/or whisker-less.

Diavlo Facts:
1. They speak "Diavlian".
2. Annoyed Diavlos normally go on their legs and tap a watch on their left arm, a ticking/clock noise will play.
3. When they level up, they will moonwalk using their legs and jump around.
4. Diavlo is named after Diablo in Spanish, meaning devil.
5. Along with Luvlis, they are the only monsters that can fly.

Luvlis Facts:
1. The glowing star at the end of their stalks absorbs energy.
2. They can use their stalks as a magic wand.
3. Instead of having belts, super moshi Luvlis have handbags.
4. They are shown to use their wings like hands and still be afloat.
5. Sometime their powers will disappear but they will come back twice as strong!

Furis Facts:
1. They are very messy eaters.
2. They are very good at ballet.
3. They like gum, but it always gets stuck in their fur.
4. The Elder Furi is the oldest Furi.
5. They change things often so they are kept occupied.

Zommers Facts:
1. They are the most common monster among male registered users.
2. They speak "Zommeranian".
3. They have the weakest health of any monster.
4. They have a song of their own called "Rock Like A Zommer".
5. When they level up rock and roll music plays.

That's 5 facts about every monster! I hope you enjoyed and learned something new! c: