Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How to Get I.G.G.Y.

Hello! Alyssa here with another post!

Today I will be talking about how to get Moshling  #100, I.G.G.Y.
If you haven't seen I.G.G.Y. before I'm guessing you don't play Moshi Monsters LOL. I.G.G.Y. the pixel-munching snaffle is an ultra-rare Moshling in Moshi Monsters in the Fluffies set. You may be wondering how to get the cursor munching Moshling so today I will tell you how to get it!

First you need to go to the super seeds store at the port. Then buy 2 crazy daisies and 1 moon orchard. After you have bought them, plant them in your garden in this order: daisy, daisy, moon orchard. Both of the daisies have to be purple and the moon orchard needs to be black in order for it to work.
Purple Crazy DaisyPurple Crazy DaisyBlack Moon Orchid
If that is the combination you will get I.G.G.Y.! 
Iggy 3
Now you know how to get the Moshling I.G.G.Y.! C:

See you next post!

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